Introduction: Among persons living with type 1-diabetes hypoglycemia and\nfear of hypoglycemia remain limiting barriers for achieving optimal glucose\ncontrol and a good quality of life. Fear of hypoglycemia has been found stable\nover time if not treated. Uncooked cornstarch has been found to reduce the\nrisk of hypoglycemia but has not been studied in relation to fear of hypoglycemia.\nThe aims of this study were to through clinical data, self-reported\nmeasures and clinical interviews explore subjectsâ?? experience of using uncooked\ncornstarch before bedtime and their beliefs and experiences of fear of\nhypoglycemia. Methods: Mixed methods with both quantitative and qualitative\ndata were used. Self-reported measures of hypoglycemia and fear of hypoglycemia\nwere compared to subjectsâ?? responses during a clinical interview.\nThe interviews were analyzed with a functional behavior analytical approach.\nResults: A total of five subjects took part in the study. One subject perceived\nthe uncooked cornstarch helpful in reducing hypoglycemia. Several subjects\ncould recall frightening hypoglycemic episodes triggering their fear. Three\nout of the five subjects reported avoidance behaviors such as excessive\nself-monitoring of blood glucose or overeating related to fear of hypoglycemia.\nConclusions: The uncooked cornstarch was found appetizing but was\nnot perceived as having an effect on BG or hypoglycemia frequency. The\nclinical interviews confirmed previous research regarding experience of hypoglycemia\nand fear of hypoglycemia.